The LuxSignature Brand Prestige Client Partnership Program
You are my client!
This is a level jump like no other. A complete rebrand with strategy and execution with massive bells and lots of whistles. May include a celebrity photo shoot, Iconic brand video, or a few bookings with television executives or journalists to grow your brand awareness. As my signature client, I partner with you for 6 months or for 1 year as part of your key personnel. I will be an extension to your business and will create and do what is necessary to cultivate the needed strategies that will set you up for success. This is only for those looking to play in the big leagues, completely conceptualized and creatively directed and implemented by me, The Branding Icon.
Becoming an ICONIC Signature Client is the premier way to kick start your companies branding and business development through my strategic and custom Iconic Branding Suite and 360° Digital Intelligence Marketing Operation process
The minimum amount of months for a single branding campaign is 6. The branding campaign then extends every six months.
To give my best service to my clientele, I can not take more than 4 clients at one time/year. Booking early is suggested.
You will need to schedule an ICONIC Discovery Call before you can book this service.
As your consultant, the three descriptions below can give a clear overview of my involvement in your business.
1. Advisory. In this capacity, I would serve as your backstage resource, meeting with the necessary team charged with affecting your brand’s success. The role would include a sounding board for plans, idea and technique source for implementation steps, devil’s advocate on key moves, third-party objective review source, and facilitator of every involved process itself. We would meet as often as needed, and without constraint, I would be consistently accessible by phone and email for document review and advice, and I estimate the time together to encompass; however, the length agreed.
2. Consultative. In addition to the responsibilities and contributions of advisory, I would also work with selected managers, stakeholders, and others to help them individually with their role in this process and with the accountabilities as exemplars to others; recommend adjustments to systems and procedures that require modification to work optimally within the new structure; attend predetermined work meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of critical elements (i.e. grand opening, consumer touchpoints, event distinction, media marketing, online content creation..etc)..Moreover, be available to select others at their request in addition to the primary team. I estimate that this involvement would last for the duration of the agreed time.
3. Collaborative. In addition to the roles described in both advisory and consultative, I would recommend specific strategic work changes: recommend tactical branding techniques, recommend successful and professional sub-contractors for overall brand endeavors. Provide particular skill and or counseling to any employees identified as requiring it by the primary team.
ICONIC Signature Client Branding Suite
• Brand Strategy
• Brand Initiation
• Brand Distinction
• Brand Promise
• Brand Care
Brand Rediscovery and Brand Coaching
360° Digital Intelligence Marketing Operation
Cultural Anthropology & Exploration
Media Forecasting & Procurement
“I AM ICON” Media and Publicity Coaching
Publicity Tools and Techniques
Additional Suite Products Include:
Content Management Development & Strategy
Social Media Power Plan Marketing
Visual Influence & Custom Design Brand Strategy
Business Development Power Plan
Sales Success Strategy
Advertising Plan: Media Forecasting Strategy and Ad Agent
Public Relations: Crisis Management
Public Relations: Copywriting Management
Public Relations: Public Speaking Planning
Public Relations: Speech Writing Management
Publicity: Master Plan Strategy & Full Implementation
Creative Project Analysis
Event Distinction
Performing Arts Distinction and Strategy
CRM and Marketing Software Management
Omni Channel Brand Management
Google Ad Words Optimization
Google Analytics Optimization
Video Production - Distinction and Strategy
Product Development Strategy
Minimal Time for Service: 6-month contract
This service is a “trade secret”.
Trade Secret” means any information, including, without limitation, any formula, pattern, drawing, compilation, program, device, method, technique, computer security information, process, cost data, supplier lists or product or related information, or any Invention, directly or indirectly related to the past, present or anticipated business affairs of the Company, that derives value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to be public or to other persons who can obtain value from its disclosure or use and which is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain such secrecy.
Information, including but not limited to technical or non-technical data, a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, drawing, process, financial data, financial plan, product plan, marketing or sales or service plans, business plans, marketing plans, branding plans, publicity plans or public relation plans, list of actual or potential customers or suppliers, or other information similar to any of the foregoing, which (a) derives economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can derive economic value from its disclosure or use, and (b) is the subject of reasonable efforts by a Person to maintain its secrecy.
Criminal Prosecution for Stealing Trade Secrets
Sentencing under the Economic Espionage Act can include imprisonment for up to 10 years. If a conviction is obtained against an individual, the defendant can be fined up to $500,000.If a conviction is obtained against a corporation, the fine may be up to $5 million
Virginia has adopted the Virginia Uniform Trade Secrets Act (Va. Code Ann. §§ 59.1-336 to 59.1-343) (2011)), often referred to as VUTSA to distinguish it from the model Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA). if found to disclose or use trade secret of another without express or implied consent can constitute misappropriation and will be filed in the Virginia Court of Law.