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The lines of all these dynamic platforms are starting to blur together as business owners seek an increase in revenue and consumer loyalty in 2021. I'd like to offer the opportunity for business owners to reposition their organization by identifying strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities to revolutionize their own brand journey.

Brand Owners that are interested in receiving ๐—™๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—˜ peer-to-peer advice and ideas on how to expand their brands join me in a workshop built specifically for you.

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I love these brainstorming sessions because we all always walk away with actionable PR & sales strategies unique to our businesses and challenges, get inspired, and connect with other like-minded brand owners.

If you have ever worked with me before or spoke with me about PR you know how much I want you to be successful. My experience, skillset, and hard-learned business lessons allow me to assist business owners in multiple industries. I am not a niche-oriented consultancy.

This is on location and online so you can virtually attend. As a form of protection of other business owners' ideas and formulas, an NDA will be provided.

Want Access? Contact me : pamela@thebrandingicon.com




6 Critical Components to Include in Your Brand Style Guide (Watch Video) :)