Freebie: 188 Tools and Resources Your Brand Needs in 2021
Whatta, year, right?
2020 will definitely go down as one of the worst years in my 35 years of life. One of the biggest lessons that I have learned is that perfection is reachable. My type-A personality and overcompensating sense of detail had paralyzed me in such a way that it was suffocating my progress. It's bad enough to watch the news and keep some form of positivity around, but add building a business and homeschooling, and you have an easy recipe of frustration and feelings of defeat.
This 2021 list of over 180 tools and resources are curated for you to reach into your black business book and seamlessly find the solution to your needs.
Take a look, and if you have something to add - please let me know and I'll update my list!